Saturday, December 6, 2008

Randomness... though not very random.

Well, since I don't have much to do now I'll write about random stuff.

Random stuff number 1:

My sister's job keeps her away from quality family time...
Actually, time to hang out with me. I'm family, right? So I guess that counts. We were supposed to go to the new JJ today and go eat something. I've been waiting the whole time that I was awake. Why don't I just say that I've been waiting all day or morning? Well, the thing is, I woke up around 2:30 maybe? Or was it after that? Somewhere around there la. =)

So anyway, I waited and waited. My mom called her to see why she wasn't back from work yet. Her answer was: Oh, I forgot I have to stay back until 5.
And you know what time my mom called her to ask that question? 6 p.m. An hour after the time she should've been done. She said it'll take another half hour. She came back at 9 something. The shops were closed by then, so we just ordered Pizza Hut.

Random stuff number 2:

I have my Roxy flip flops back! =)

For the weekend, at least. I should remember to ask my sister to buy her own flip flops. The ones I used the other day, hers, were way too slippery to use. I almost slipped at the Pasar Seni LRT station about 3 times, and I almost fell flat on my face once while I was walking back from the station in Setiawangsa. Somehow I didn't, though I didn't have anything to hold on to. I did catch the attention of two girls that were walking in front of me. So, yeah, that was really embarrassing.

Ok, so, note to self: Get her new flip flops to save your own butt.
It's not completely selfish, I mean, she gets the new pair of flip flops, right? ;)

Random stuff number 3:

I haven't baked anything in a while. My promises never pull through. I feel like baking brownies, but I'm too malas to go out to the shop to buy chocolate chips. And chocolate brownies just aren't chocolate brownies if you don't have any chocolate chips!

Or maybe a cake. Yeah, I haven't baked a cake in a really long time...
Or I could try baking a pie. But the pastries are a bit hard to do. They always crumble if you don't get the recipe right. And I almost never get the recipes right. I always have to modify to my own taste. A weakness of mine.

That should be it with the randomness....
I'm out of stuff to write about, so that's all. Bye!! =D

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