Thursday, December 4, 2008

IM-ing can suck.

Well, not much to tell, just that tuition today wasn't so bad, just the part when Cikgu Anne explained all too much and unnecessarily about Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde. (The underwear thing. Way out of topic and inappropriate. In a sense.)

Other than that, there wasn't much that happened.

The constuction going on outside my house is noisy, but still can't wake me up in the morning. =) Just thought I should share that. Have no idea why, though.

And just recently, Malik and Suhaimie thoguht it was fun and amusing to play a little game with me. What is that game, you may ask?
Well, Malik changed his screen name to Sam, which is also Suhaimie's screen name. Then, they initiated a chat with me, and told me to guess who's who. Simple, but not exactly easy. I didn't get it, in the end, so I left. They said I was boring to them. ='(

That ws par of the reason why I left the chat. What they did after that, is their business. I couldn't care less. And Malik, if you happen to be reading this, I just hope you know, you have never been any more cruel or insensitive to me. How culd you? =P

I'm joking. But still, you really confused me.


Izzy said...

U do noe that hisyam is insensitive :D

plus.. after that.. they made me victim.. and made me change my name... Asses... :D

Intan said...

Yeah, well. Not to me, usually. =)

Unknown said...

Maybe that's why I fell sick. O.O

All the bad things I did to you guys that night. LOL =P