Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I didn't check..

Okay, so I was tagged by Malik twice a few days ago, but I didn't notice till now. =)

1. What's you most favourite colour?
-I don't have one...

2.Who is the most important to you?
-My friends and family.

3. How often do you think of commiting suicide?
-Not once in my life.

4. Do you think you have enough confidence?

5. How many babies do you want?
-Hmm...I really can't think of that, since I don't even know who my future husband is. ;P

6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
-Oh, yes. I've seen one before, too.

7. What's you goal next year?
-Obviously, to get 8A's in PMR.

8. Who'll you miss the most, if you don't talk to them?
-My family.

9. Do you think the person who tag you, like to play kidnapping?
-Err... can you rephrase that so I'll actually understand what that means? =P

10. What do you want for Christmas?
-Well, if I celebrated Christmas, anything. As long as its meaningful. =)

11. What is your bad habit?
-Too lazy to do stuff properly and on time.

12. Do you have a secret crush?
-Ha ha... no.

13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?

14. What does flying mean to you?
-Hmm... nothing in particular. Lots of stuff.

15. What do you crave for the most currently?
-The feeling of love. ;)

16. Are you single/ relationship?

17. Describe the person who tagged you in 7 words.
-Let's see if I can think of 7 words right now:
1. Smart
2. Nice
3. Funny
4. Sensitive (in my opinion)
5. Serious

Yeah, that's all I can think of. Might not fit, but that's what I see.

18. What have you done to yourself to make yourself happy?
-Listen to music and fantasize based on that song.

19. How's your day?
-Nothing special.

20. If you were asked to make a wish, what would you ask for?
-Wars to stop and everyone to make peace with each other.

I tag:
Kit May

(I will not tag those who have been tagged by someone else. At least those that I know of)

1.Do you think you're hot?
- No.

2. Upload a favourite pic of you!
- No, thanks. I don't have a favourite photo of me...

3. Why do you like that picture?
-Don't have one... remember?

4. When was the last time you had pizza?
-Two weeks ago?

5. The last song you listened to?
-I'm not sure what's the title..

6. What are you doing now besides this?

7. What name would you prefer besides yours?
-I'm happy with my current name. =)

8. People i tag:
Kit May

9. Who is number 1?
-Good friends.

10. Number 3 is having a relationship with?
-Um..no one that I know of...

11. Say something about number 6?
-I don't have a number 6.

12. How about number 4?
-He's funny. =D

13. Who is number 2?
-A friend.

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