Saturday, November 29, 2008

Busy day

Well, I woke up at 10 something, kinda early for me. I went to Ampang Puteri to visit my cousin, who's just welcomed a baby girl to the world!! Her name is yet to confirmed, but her initials are AAAR. That includes her dad's name la. (It's a long name, I didn't really catch it when they told me)

Here's the baby and her daddy!!

The room wasn't that big, to be honest. And they ask you to pay so much! That's one of the downsides of high-class private hospitals. They're so expensive. =(

So anyway, after that, we went to a wedding in Putrajaya. My dad's cousin's daughter. My second cousin, I guess. One I've never met before. It was okay, but the catering service was so slow. Met some people, ate, met some more people, then we went back to Kajang. I had a dentist appointment to go to!

Well, once we got there, my mom went to check if the dentist was there or not. And you know what? She wasn't. And my appointment was supposed to be at 3. By the time we reached there, it was 3:30. The nurse said that I might have to wait till 5. That was so not acceptable!! So she put me in front of a few people, so I got through with it by 4 something. Went back to Keramat with my mom, but didn't go home. She dropped me off at Rais' house. He was having a party.
There's Rais. He's supposed to be the birthday boy.

I came a bit late, but that was okay. They apparently just cut the cake. It was so good. We hung out a bit, ate and stuff. Abbas and Azmil had to go, so Rais hit the 'pinata' or however you spell it. Before it though, Aimi said:

Aimi: Rais, hit it three times. [Lucky number] (or something like that)
Rais: Okay, okay. *Hits it three times and the pinata thingy broke*
Everyone: Whoa...! Woo hoo! Go Rais!! etc. etc.
Rais: Three times, baby!!

It was something like that. We ate the candy, well, some that was on the floor. Then picked it up and put in a bowl. Then we helped ourselves to it. =)
After a while, the boys started playing Xbox 360. I just watched once in a while, then talked to Aimi, Hanim Najah and Nasfatee. Rais was polite enough to offer us to play, but obviously we refused. The girls left before 7, and Nasfatee and me stopped by Aimi's house.

We prayed, talked, share music, talked, prayed, talked some more... and so on. Aimi had the great idea of tricking Nasfatee. Here how it basically went down:

Aimi: Nas, tengok ni. *Showed her something on her phone*
Nasfatee: Tak percaya!!
Aimi: *Shows her something else on her phone*
Nasfatee: Weyh, serious aku tak percaya!
Intan: *Looks at them, muka blur, and decides to ignore them. SMS-ed Adib instead.
Aimi: Kesian, Intan. Sorry, but I'm not ready to tell you yet. You takkan percaya nye..
Nasfatee: Memang la. I pon tak percaya, dia tu macam mane lagi?
Intan: Yeah, yeah...

This goes on for a while longer, then Aimi fianally gives up and starts laughing.

Aimi: I can't believe you fell for that.

I was still clueless, so I just listened.

Aimi: I'm kidding la.
Nasfatee: Stupid la! (I think that was what she said)
Intan: Apa? Apa?

And so she explains...

Aimi lied to Nasfatee, saying that she was with someone, I was with someone, Shaza was with someone, Adma was with someone...but actually, they were all lies. (Well, except one, anyway)
She changed someone's number on her phone and typed in that person's name, and the mesages had the words 'sayang' and stuff in it. So obviously it looks like something you would send to you gf, right? It looked even more real when Nasfatee saw that I was SMS-ing that someone that Aimi told her I was with, so it looked like..well, you know what I mean. She actually believed it. The whole time that Aimi was explaining this to me, I was laughing my head off.

Well, obviously it was ridiculous. But part of it was kinda convincing. Like, the SMS part. I guess it was partially my fault, I was smiling when I read his SMS-es. Hmm...well, the important thing is, no one is together with anyone. Except one pairing that Aimi mentioned, but I'm not gonna say who.

Nasfatee had to go home shortly after that, so it was just me and Aimi. We talked, and I looked at this stupid and really funny video of her and Dini. I had to go home after that, around 9:15.

I ate dinner and here I am. That should be all. =)

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