Sunday, November 23, 2008

My 'Camping' Trip

I know what you're thinking, if you've known me since I was 7; how can she possibly go camping?!

Well, to be honest, I'd think that too.
To be perfectly honest, I wouldn't call it camping besides the fact that I slept in a tent and had no access to a toilet. =/
Let me ask you this: have you ever been camping with a mattress and comforters?
Perfect way to go, right? Okay, I'll start form the beginning of yesterday.

I woke up at 9, I think because my mom and sister were too loud when talking. Not good, since I slept at 4. Strangely though, I wasn't sleepy at all. Go figure. I had my breakfast, which was macaroni soup (yum!) and listened to my mom go over stuff to bring, making sure we wouldn't forget anything.
Then, without any warning, my other sister, Kakda (that's what I call her) came back with her two friends. Turns out they'll be coming with us! And no one bothered to tell me. I guess it's not bad, they're fun to hang out with, even though they're 20. And yet they act more immature than me. They went out again to buy ice form 7-11 and then stopped by McD. They shared some of their McShaker Fries and I took a bit out of Kakda's burger. Then I finished Kakya's (my second sister) McFlurry. I get all of that, and I didn't even order anything. =D
We left around 1, when my dad got back from work. We got in the car and sat for the 3 hour journey north to Lata Kinjang, Perak. It's the huge waterfall you can see from the highway.
We stopped by the Tapah R&R for toilets. That was the last pit-stop for the day. While waiting, my dad bought Dunkin' Donuts! Camping with donuts, now. And orange juice.
We finally got there around 4, and the tents and stuff were already set up by the people who went camping with us. Part of the photography club at my parents' hospital. (KPMC) Out tent was huge. Like, two tents' sized huge. It even has a divider inside, making it two rooms.
The rest of the day was fun, we spent it climbing the stairs and taking pictures of the waterfall. I had to model for my dad a bit, emphasizing how tall the waterfall is.
Then, we bathed in the river. With soap and shampoo and stuff. It was so funny. The current was kinda strong in the middle, but that was where we wanted to go. we kept slipping on the rocks and almost got dragged away by the river current countless times. Talk about an adrenalin rush. The most I'd ever get in my life.
For dinner we had a barbecue! With a barbecue set and stuff. Modern campers. Ha ha. The one thing that was bad about it, though; it was night time, and it was dark, and the one thing that we forgot were flashlights. Smart, right? It was okay, overall. I had to wait the next day to use the toilet. Sleeping was not easy, despite that we were sleeping with mattresses and comforters.

The next day, we spent most of the morning under the waterfall. It was soo good. The water was really cold, though. It took awhile before I stopped shivering. By the time we finished, the place was full with people already. Luckily we went earlier, cause if not we would have to share. I know that sharing is caring and blah, blah, blah... but when it comes to this stuff, the stuff you do with family, its not always something you want to share with strangers.
We packed up the stuff and departed by noon, I think. I'm not sure, I left my watch in my bag and forgot to put it back on.
We reached home by 3 and had lunch. I was surprised by how much I could eat after how much I ate the whole morning.

That about sums up the trip. I felt so good and fresh after the shower at home.
I napped and watched TV and so on all day until now, where I'm typing this out.
And that's all for now. my fingers hurt. =P

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