Friday, November 21, 2008

You should probably know why.

I know what you're thinking (well, actually this kind of  depends on the person); she has a blog? Of all things to make and have, a blog?
You would think that in an incredulous tone, if you were anyone in my family.
You would think that in a bored kind of tone, if you were any one of my normal friends.
You would think that in an interested tone, if you were one of my friends from the old days (gosh, that made me sound so old)
No matter who you are, though, you'd still think that. It's one of the first things that cross your mind..


That, I'd like to thank one specific person, but I will not name who.
Let's call him 'John', shall we? It's a nice, common, neutral name. =)
Reference to no one in particular in my life.
Or at least, no one that you'd think I'd rename John. ;)

Anyway, John gave me some sort of push to start a blog, though he might not notice it himself. 
For some reason, he gives me a push to do anything, even though everyone else does the same thing. I have plenty of friends with blogs, but I never had the thought of starting one myself. Before he actually started one, of course. How easily influenced I can be by him...-.-

So, now you know why I decided to start a blog.
Though in my opinion, I might be totally into this for a month or so, then leave it hanging all by itself...
You can definitely bet on that.
I'll try to be different this time, I promise. Not an easy promise to keep, especially when privacy is an issue at my house. =/
My brother and sister, always peeking at the computer screen when completely unnecessary.
As if I need someone to look over my shoulder when I'm writing stuff like this! It's stuff that just comes to my head, and I'm not even thinking twice when I'm typing it in.
Sort of like psychotherapy, don't you think? Saying the first thing that comes to your head and stuff...
Another reason why I might leave this midway:

My life is so very boring!! =(

And I'm not exaggerating when I say that.
Like, seriously. It's really boring and uneventful. My life definitely lacks drama and excitement. If you compare it to the lives of all my girlfriends at school, and the ones who aren't in my school...
It's like there's something wrong with me. I'm too scared of conflict or something like that. I avoid it constantly. I need a healthy dose of emotional stress. Yes, that's it. Everyone needs it sometime, don't they?
It's not normal if I don't get any at all. It can someone feel somewhat depressed. It makes you think; why is my life so boring? Everyone else has problems with friends, why don't I?
I know you must think I'm crazy to actually want this.
Hmm.... maybe I am. Oh well. =P

I just noticed something.
I never told you my name, did I?
Formerly, anyway.
It's Intan Juliana.
Ever heard of it? If you're not from Malaysia or anywhere near the country, probably not. =)

I think that should be the end, right?
Nothing left to say... and I must say, this is a long first post, wouldn't you agree?
Well, to be perfectly honest, this should be my 2nd post. It should've been my fist, but after experiencing so many problems with posting the original one, I posted another one, which ended up being posted anyway, and this one is left unposted.

If you understood whatever I just said, I salute you, because I think this is a bunch of crap that I wrote because I was angry.
I still am, by the way. =(

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