Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh the torture

You know what the is the worst thing that can happen to me now?
I can't watch TWILIGHT on the day of release!!
Stupid tuition class I can't afford to miss.
It's not so much torture that I'd die or anything like that. No, I'd just be really, really, really sad and bummed. I'd probably complain about it endlessly and drive Kit May insane. Ha ha. I hope that doesn't happen. She'll leave the class and join another one, then I'll be all alone in there. =( No way I'll let that happen.

Since the title is about torture, I'll tell you another one.

I seriously want to go out and go shopping. I haven't been shopping for a long time, and it's driving me nuts! I'm in need of a new pair of sneakers... But who will I go with?
My parents? As if, they don't even have time to go out themselves.
My sisters? Two of them are working, and one's in Cyberjaya. No luck there.
My friends? HAH! They don't even have the decency to invite me to go out, even though they know I'm busy. It's the thought that counts, people!
Another option is to go myself. But I don't have the guts to do that. How cowardly I can be...

Okay, it's 2:57 and I haven't eaten my lunch yet. So, I'll be going off now, and maybe I'll come back today, I'm not quite sure. I probably will, as my life right now is so very boring.

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