Monday, November 29, 2010

This is driving me nuts.

You know, I was planning to post this as my Facebook status, but that would've been attracting too much attention to myself. So yeah, I'm gonna write it out here. It would've been more expressive had I done this an hour ago when I woke up (yes, I woke up around 1 today, so be it) but I found it more important to go eat first and YouTube Elliot Minor (as introduced to me by Harshiah, they're just AWESOME! =D). So here it goes.

I had yet another dream last night. Even in the DREAM, I tried talking to you. Even in the DREAM, you still ignore my attempt at making conversation. Even in the DREAM, I ended up talking to someone else, laughing with someone else when all I ever wanted was to talk to you, to laugh with you. Even in the DREAM, all you did was sit at the sidelines, looking indifferent, but you were still there. You're always just there. Even in the DREAM, it still hurt. How is this fair? How can I just keep feeling like this? I want to tell you, I actually do. But isn't it kinda hard when you don't even talk to me, except for the occasional comment here and there?

Almost every night, you seem to a part of my dreams. At one point it really was every night. When it stopped I thought I was finally over you. I guess not, huh, when it keeps coming back to me? And apparently Facebook makes an effort to show me a lot of posts from you on my news feed. It's like the whole world wants me to suffer. The wrong person is paying attention to me. The wrong person is giving me compliments. The wrong person is making an attempt at being close friends with me.

Frankly, I don't care who reads this. You want to figure it out? You think you know who I'm talking about? (Aside from the people who actually know who I'm talking about, and that's only about 5 other people.) Fine, whatever. But what I do know is that I want to find away to end this, because it's eating me from the inside.

You see, this is why I didn't want to post this on Facebook. Hardly anything is private on Facebook. I didn't want to start a speculation. I didn't want that person to find out through that way, not that's it's really that hard to figure out who it is, if you pay attention to me.
Does he read my blog? I doubt it. Sometimes I think it's a good thing, but sometimes I wish he did. I don't know what to think anymore on this topic.

Ohh and I realised just recently that I have a soft spot for guitarists. XD
Some things you find out about yourself when you try to sleep at night..

Monday, September 13, 2010

What can I say?

I must admit, I haven't posted anything on this blog site for ages, and I truly am sorry about that. I've been really busy okay? I just can't find time to blog anymore. This one is fine because it's the holidays and stuff. Not that anyone actually reads this anyway but that's beside the point.

So, where do I start? After a few months of not posting anything and updating whatsoever I have to say, a lot, and I mean A LOT of stuff has happened since. Let's break it up into categories, yeah?

Of course this is the first category I mention mostly because that my school life is the one that's changed the most.
First off I'd like to say that I'm actually really happy to be in 4b (i have a problem with the letter b on this keyboard so bear with me for a while. It's all copy and paste here)
There are a lot of benefits to being placed in that class. but I'd rather not talk about it. =)
That's for us to know and you guys to figure out if you want. If not just leave it at that okay?

Number two : I am now a school prefect! =)
Who would've thunk eh? It's kind of overwhelming at times, and I have a feeling my grades might drop if slack off so yeah. I need to keep up my straight A average. ;)
That's another one! People will not stop calling me a nerd slash brainiac just because I managed to get straight A's for my mid-terms. Who's to say I'll pull it off again for my finals? (Which is in three weeks if I may add) Insya-Allah I will lah, but you still can never know you know?

Number three : I have found it odd that I'm beginning to not like english all that much anymore. *All hell breaks lose*
Hahaha, don't worry, I never thought I'd ever say that myself. So if you feel dumbstruck, you're not the only one.
but it's not the language that I'm beginning to dislike, in fact I've recently rediscovered my love for writing stories again (one that I lost during PMR year). Actually it's just the subject of english in school. I think it's because of the work, and I feel that I don't like the idea of just taking english for exams anymore. it's like, such a pain. And I don't like writing essays anymore. Somehow it restricts my need for creativity, and I always feel like I need to insert a certain standard to what I'm writing. So now I keep over-thinking and over-analyzing my sentences and I keep wondering if I should use better words to describe what I'm thinking or what I'm trying to write about. haihh now english for me has become too exam oriented. How sad. =(

I know this is like, three months overdue, but I would like to mention what I received for my birthday this year.
My parents actually did give me the guitar I asked for. I didn't think they would but they did and I'm still so happy that I actually got it so now I play almost everyday whenever I can. Okay that's a long sentence. Anyway I've learned quite a lot of songs already, all made possible because I already know how to play before during form one, I just stopped because I was tired of using my brother-in-law's guitar all the time. but now I have my own so yeah. No restrictions any more yayyy! =D
but no one's ever actually heard me play before, because I don't like it when people watch me play. It feels really awkward. I just play because I love to by myself and not for anyone else. So now you know I can never be a rockstar or recording artist or whatever. Not that I can sing anyway but you get my drift.
Not only did I get a guitar, but I also got an iPod shuffle from Kakteh and Abg Mut too! =D
I was so happy when I got it especially when I didn't see it coming at all. I mean, Zara gave it to me when I was reading or something. So you could just imagine my confusion and surprise when she gave a small white box with a red band strapped across it with the Apple logo printed in silver on top. I've been listening to it since. =)

Lately I've notice that I'm becoming a shopaholic. Not for the normal girl stuff like shoes or bags or whatever. Instead, I have a compulsion to buy a book every time I go out. All this is made more tempting when I start reading a series like the Night World series (L.J. Smith) or the Abhorsen trilogy (Garth Nix).
Now, I'm currently obsessed with finding the ending of the Night World series that is Strange Fate, the tenth book. I know what you're thinking; TEN books? It's not so bad, believe me, because they're all short books, just a lot of them to read. No problem for me though. =)
And I'm also looking for Across The Wall, because in it there's a novella called Nicholas Sayre and The Creature In The Case which is a continuation of the Abhorsen trilogy. I also heard that thee's a new one coming out but I'm not sure when or what it's called. So yeah. I'm going all crazy over these books like you have no idea.
It's gotten so bad that I'm actually reading fanfiction stories on these! Actually they're not half bad, you just to look for the right ones with proper grammar and spelling and a good plot and stuff. (Even though I said I'm losing an interest in English, I can't help but to notice these little details)
Now I find that fanfiction is one of the best parts of a book series! =)

That's all I can think of to update about at the moment. Quite a lot, isn't it? Hmm, oh well, it's not very often that I get to update here anyway, even if it is just on three categories of my life.
Don't expect another post from me soon, but keep your fingers crossed! =)

Sunday, February 28, 2010

VI's Treasure Hunt

So I wanted to post this yesterday, but I really just didn't have the energy for it.
I woke up at 6 something, closer to 7 and got ready. I was supposed to meet up with Farhanah, Dian, Rosmah and Denielle at the McD in Masjid Jamek by 8.15.
I was kinda late getting there because Kakya didn't want to drive the Estima so she had to take it out and re-park it because it was blocking the Mini. So by the time I got to Masjid Jamek I was 10 minutes late.
But so was Denielle so yeah. Farhanah's parents didn't mind.

From there they drove us to VI. Farhanah's parents were like, betul ke ni? Macam tak de orang je. They were worried about leaving us there. I mean, a small group of CBNers in VI? What parent in their right mind wouldn't think twice about it, right? But they let us go in anyway, and it turns out everyone had to assemble in an open hall not far from the main gate.

Registration time. We were the last group of CBNers to register, there were two other groups besides us, both were form 5s. After that we waited for the treasure hunt to start. While I was waiting I looked around att he other schools. Actually I just first looked at the VI guys, seeing if I knew anyone. But I only knew one person there.

Then I noticed there were two groups from SAB. I recognized Crystal and Nasreen. I only talked to Nasreen though.

So it started a little past nine. The ketua guy told the group leaders to gather around him (mine being Dian) so that he could give our first clue.

He gave a baby picture of a guy, and told us to find him in this clearing in between two buildings in the school. We went off on a slow start because the guy we were looking for was hiding behind the building. He's supposed to be our 'shadow', someone who has to follow us at all times and guide us through out the treasure hunt. His name is Colin.

So once we found him, he gave us a sheet of paper with a bunch of Math problems on it. Our first impulse was to solve them, right? But they were impossibly hard to figure out. Then Colin told us to read the hint at the bottom of the page. It read : Be smart and observant.
So we looked at it carefully and figured it out. We took out the letters in the equations and arranged them to get BKJALIL. Bukit Jalil.

Off we ran out of the school towards the LRT station. It was epic.
There were at least 2 teams from each school, and there were a lot of schools participating, trust me. Everyone was running, trying to get to the station as fast as possible.

People with touchngo's just breezed through, but the rest had to line up and buy the tickets. We thought we were way behind, but luckily for us, the train hadn't reached yet when we got up on the platform. So almost all of the teams were on the same train.

After 20 minutes we got to Bukit Jalil station. Everyone ran out as soon as the doors opened and it was like a tidal wave coming down the staircases. It was so cool! Very movie-like.

We all ran up to this viewing deck or something where the base guys were waiting for us. We got a sheet of paper with a grid of letter on it. we were supposed to find the phrase THE STATUE OF LIBERTY in the mess. I found it, but it took a while. We were faster than a few teams la.

We gave our answer to the base guy, and he gave us our next clue. It was UNION JACK.
My first thought was dataran merdeka. Then somehow we were thinking, is it dataran merdeka or stadium merdeka? Then Dian said that Stadium Merdeka was under renovation. Colin said, if it isn't stadium merdeka, then it has to be dataran merdeka. So off we went back to the station and went to Masjid Jamek.

We missed the train that everyone else was on, we had to wait for the next one. Another 20 minutes passed by. We ran out as soon as we got to Masjid Jamek and jogged/ran/walked to Dataran Merdeka. But we went kinda slow because Rosmah was feeling sick. The base guys were waiting at the very edge of Dataran Merdeka, where we had to run to get there. The whole team, including our shadow, had to be there for them to give the clue.

Our task was to take a picture of 5 different 7-11s and 3 different stations within 45 minutes. And we had to be in the pictures as well. first we walked around Masjid Jamek and found one 7-11. Then we went to the station to get Pasar Seni. We took pictures at the PUTRA masjid Jamek Station and the Pasar Seni one. At Pasar Seni we found 3 7-11s and went back to Masjid Jamek. Took a picture of the STAR station and took another picture of a 7-11 near the station. Back to Dataran Merdeka. More running. Showed them the pictures, and he gave us the next clue.

He simply said "H TOWER. Tell me the answer." Denielle said HSBC. Wrong. Rosmah and Dian said KLCC at the same time. "Correct! Please proceed to KLCC."

Back to the LRT. =.=
Oh, at the time, we were with the SAB group. Once we reached KLCC, we went out the fountain place and there they were, at the side, waiting for us. We told us the number of our group and they made note of the time. "You have an hour and a half lunch break. Come meet us again at 1.57"

So we left Colin there with his friends and went to eat Burger King. Then we went to Kinokunya just for fun. Went to the Convention Centre at 1.30. Had to wait till 1.57 to get out next clue. They gave us a puzzle and told us to crack the code and find the missing numbers. The hint was 'use something that helps you with words'.

we didn't get it, then asked Colin. He said, electronic dictionary. Farhanah took out her phone and used the T9 setting in the text messaging place. Dian, Denielle and I figured out the code. Farhanah pressed the numbers and got I AM AN INTERACTER or something like that. We showed the base guy, he told us to go to Times Square.

We got to Times Square and had to look for this guy in Starbucks. He gave us a clue and we had to look for someone in the food court. He told us to go to Pavilion. We went back, and we had to go to the place opposite Louis Vuitton. We were given a sheet, and told to find VICTORIA INST.

We found it, and we were told to go back to VI. Off back to the monorail station. Got there, ran all the way to VI. I remember cursing why it had to be on a hill.

In the end we finished 23 out of 29. Tied with Sri Sentosa and one other school. I can't remember which, I was just too glad it was over. The other 2 teams from CBN finished a lot earlier than us but I honestly didn't care. After everyone got there, the organizer guy thanked us and gave away the prizes for the top 3 finishers. And get this: first place was a team from St. John's. How nice, isn't it? =)

Once all was aid and done, the VI guys did the hakka and it was time for everyone to go home..
Unfortunately I still had to walk back with Denielle. From Hang Tuah station --> Masjid Jamek STAR--> Masjid Jamek PUTRA--> Setiawangsa. I didn't even get to sit on the train.

when I got home I watched A Haunting In Connecticut with my sisters on the apple TV.
That's basically it.
I was damn tired, but it was a whole lot of fun. =)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Ugly Betty

OMG I'm sooo really super depressed whenever my sisters call me that.
Because now I'm wearing glasses!!

Technically only one eye needs the glasses, which is my right eye.
My left eye is okay.
But I still have to wear them to correct the defect while I'm still young.

My uncle did suggest to use contact lenses, just for one eye, like my cousin.
But I don't feel comfortable with the idea of contact lenses.
So I made glasses yesterday, in KLCC.

At first I thought it was weird that only one eye was rabun, the optometrist guy said it's called Master's eye, which means my brain has been using only one eye to focus one things. Which must be why I didn't really realise my vision was slightly blurry.

Apparently, my dad has it too. According to my mom, he made glasses once, I don't know how many years ago, but he never wore them. My cousin has it (the one with one contact lens).

I don't know how many other I people I know has it too. So it runs in the family. Curse my gene pool. =.="

So yeah, now I'm wearing glasses.
They're purple and black.
I feel dizzy now, but the optometrist said it'll take a few days to get used to them.
And I've got a treasure hunt tomorrow.
Oh great.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Can I just quit?

I feel very under appreciated.
It's not good for me to be this way.
I haven't had a proper carefree recess since.. the first week of this year.
That's like, 28 recess periods I'll never get back.
Such a waste of time and energy.
Don't wonder why I've lost my spirit.
You'd totally get it if you ever paid attention to what I've done for all this.

Now the teachers are accusing me of harassing them. >=(
All your fault you lazy bum.

Monday, February 1, 2010


I always love it when I go back there.
It's so peaceful, I completely forget about my life in KL.
Which is exactly what happened this weekend.
I didn't even think about my homework. At least the ones that I didn't bring along with me.
Yes, I brought along my homework. I was gone for three days. If I had left all of my homework here, I'd have to use up all of today to get any of it done! So yeah.
It wasn't much anyway. I finished it all on Saturday, right after we got to my Grandmother's house in Rusila.

So, what did I do there?
Actually the first place we went was the hospital. A relative was sick so we went lah.
Unfortunately, though, we went before the visiting hours. That was around 4, I think. Visiting hours start at 5. That mak cik guard at the door was SO RUDE! My dad was like, halfway through the door and she just closed it in his face. So he had to reverse. =.="
Seriously. I was really pissed off at that.
Then we went in through the other door somewhere at the back. Or was it another building altogether? Dunno. I was already in a bad mood by then so I didn't pay attention to anything.
In the end, me and Kakya didn't get to go in. It was just my parents, and a few of my other relatives who came with us.
Well, it was more appropriate that was anyway. Truth be told, I wasn't sure who it was. A distant relative, you could say. It didn't a make a stitch of a difference if we went in the first place.

After all that, we went to the beach side to eat fish and squid fried in this super yummy batter. But guess what? The place we usually go to, which is actually somewhere behind the airport, ISN'T NEAR THE BEACH ANYMORE! Yeah, they like, reclaimed the land and tambak-ed it. I have no idea what they're gonna do with the newly added land, but it completely spoiled the view. But the food was still good so that made up for it. =)

That night was fantastic. We went out to eat at Batu Burok Beach's A&W. Right by the sea, out in the open air. (Of course that was the smoking area, but no one was actually smoking at the time. Even better! =D)
That night was made even better because it was a full moon. So the view by the sea was absolutely breathtaking. The moon's reflection was on the calm sea. And the clouds all around it had a silver lining. Families and couples were walking on the beach, enjoying the view and the cool breeze. Beautiful, I tell you. You can't get something like that in the city.
Then we ate waffles and ice cream! Ahh..the sweet joy. =D

Of course, it was during that time we didn't have a proper camera. Mine was running out of batteries so we couldn't take any really nice pictures.
So we went again the next night.
But it was during sunset too.
It wasn't at the beach, no. We went to the Tengku Tengah Zaharah Mosque AKA the 'Floating' Mosque / Masjid Terapung.
Beautiful there as well. Once we got there the sky was like, purple and pink. And the mosque's dome and minaret were lit up by lights. And the water surrounding the mosque was perfectly still so you could see the reflection in perfect detail.
I might upload some pictures later, if I can get my hands on them. (They're with my dad now)

Then we waited for the moon to come up. One word: AMAZING!
I had never been so happy to see the moon. That night though, it was slightly orange in colour. It must've been the air. So yeah, I really liked those nights. When else am I gonna see something so beautiful and spend time with my family at the same time?

The food there on the other hand, not very satisfying. Surprisingly. All the good spots were too full by the time we ever got there so we had to find somewhere else to eat. Trust me when I say, there's a good reason why some restaurants are empty during lunch/dinner hours. DO NOT EAT THERE! Wasting you time and money. And killing your mood to eat as well.

But, make no mistake, the keropok lekor was good. =)
Just make sure you buy them in Losong. The original and yummy ones are there.
And the nasi dagang! And nasi lemak with ikan tongkol! Haish, I'm feeling hungry just thinking about it. =)

So my trip was good. I'm looking forward to going there again in June. =D

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Ahh, I feel like I've abandoned this blog! (Though my last post was about 2 weeks ago)
I guess you could call that abandoning. What can I say? I'm just too busy. =(

One thing that should come to no surprise, I'm depressed.
I hate being depressed.
And yet I'm depressed over so many things!
I see depression in everything I look at.

I always feel so lazy to wake up in the morning. I absolutely HATE my school bus. It's too packed with people, I always never get a seat, so I'm left standing on the bus for an average of two hours every day (including when I go back by bus).
My class is separated from the other Form 4s. We have to stay next to the ever-so-noisy 3B. Makes it extremely hard to concentrate especially if the teacher speaks softly.
We can't make noise either because 4B is supposed to be the "good" class. We get scolded for being noisy even though we aren't, by comparison to other classes.

I'm not exactly complaining about the amount of homework we're getting. I admit it's a lot, but it's nothing I can't handle for the time being. It's just the very idea of getting homework is what's depressing me. (You could call it my mindset) ;P

Well, to begin with, I don't have many friends I'm comfortable with no matter what. The person who I'm most comfortable with now might be moving to SM Sains Seri Puteri. I'm happy for her for getting the offer and all, but I really don't want her to go. =(
All of my other close friends are in the NEXT class. In a completely different block. The only time I ever get to see them is during recess and after school. IF I HAVE ANY TIME.

As usual, no one's at home. Only at night. The only time I spend with my family now is when I stay in front of the TV to watch American Idol with them. And dinner time. That's basically it.

Love life.
What can I say about this? There's no hope in hell that I'm ever going to get a boyfriend. A crush, at least. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
And seeing everyone else have a boyfriend makes me even more depressed! I'm doomed to stay single until.. after I leave school I guess. And when will that be? AGES FROM NOW. >=(

I'm gonna be sixteen in June. Where did the time go? I wish I was a little kid again where I couldn't care less if I annoyed people. (which I notice is absolutely true with kids between the ages of 4 - 10) The whole bus thing. I actually learned something from the horrible experience. =.="

Everything I tell you, EVERYTHING!!!!

And tomorrow I've got an exam. EVEN BETTER. (Note the sarcasm.)
I find plenty of opportunities to be sarcastic now. Easy when you're so pissed off at everything.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


It's only the second day of school and everyone's freaking stressed.
We haven't even gotten out textbooks yet!

And they're giving them on Monday.
We only have a week to look at our books before the first exam starts.
I really wonder what they're to going to question us with. =.=

Today our teachers actually entered the class.
First was BM. Very confusing.
Why? Because I had no idea what my teacher was talking about. And she was looking directly at me pulak. =.=

After that was Add Maths. Pn Lim is a good teacher, but sometimes she went way too fast for us to catch up. And that was only chapter 2.1 (we're skipping chapter 1 first because we won't be able to finish it by next week)
Surprisingly I quite like Add Maths. 0.0
I know, even I can't believe I just admitted that.
But I guess it's not bad, you just need to stay calm and not panic when you see people around you solving it so quickly. Take it slow at first. That's what I did.
Based on that one lesson, I knew being in 4B is seriously tearing down my self esteem. I can't say I'm smarter anymore. (Or at least pretend to be) =(

During recess I tried buying my school books. It was a long line. Like, really long.
Alini and me were almost in the front when the bell rang. =.=
A prefect halau-ed us from the bookshop and told us to line up in the canteen and listen to the teachers talking in the assembly.
I was so close. =(

So then it was Agama. 4B muslim students shifted to 4K while the non muslims from 4K shifted to 4B.
We had Pn. Che Siah. =D
I like her. She's nice. And I like the way she talks. It's so soothing.

After Agama was English with Ms Anusya.
She looks scary, and she is kinda, like in a strict don't-sass-me kind of way. But she's cool.
She didn't give us any homework (Thank God!!) instead she talked about our English paper format for SPM, oral and the possibility of choral speaking being brought back for the form 4s.
Not that I have a problem with that, but I'm just scared it'll clash with a lot of stuff.

When school ended at 1.10, me and Alini went straight to the bookshop. We were in a rush because if you were late getting there, the line would've extended way too far for you to hope to go home before 2. Luckily there weren't many yet so we bought out books fast.

I still had to get a signature on a photostat copy of my PMR results slip for Kasturi. (We get to claim RM80 as a reward for getting straight As and we get RM40 off every month for the whole year.)
Me, Hidayah, Dian and Nadhra walked from the canteen to the office, but Pn. Ann wasn't there. Pn Chee told us to go find a teacher on duty.
First we looked for Pn Tan. Off to the counseling room on the other side of campus. She wasn't there. =.="
Back to the other side to look for Pn Norizan. She was in the canteen having lunch. Cannot kacau her. Off to the library to look for En Rohizan. He wasn't there either.
Dian gave up after Pn Tan wasn't there and left with her mum.
We tried Pn Norizan again. This time it was us plus Elaine and Nadine.
Off to the office. Again. She agreed to sign! =D
So then Nadhra left for Kasturi with Hidayah tumpang-ing her car.
Me and Kit May (who had hers signed already) walked to the LRT. We got a chance to catch up after a couple of months. =)

Kasturi was a disaster. I don't even want to explain.
All I want to say is, I registered and am going for Tuesdays and Fridays.
End of topic.

I went back at 3, hoping that I might be able to catch my mum at home before she left for work, but I knew that that was a lost cause. I had to walk home. =(

At Setiawanga LRT, though, I bumped into Adib and Rais!
Unexpected, but it was a pleasant surprise. We didn't talk much, though. At all, really. The only person I talked to was Adib. I'm not quite sure why I didn't talk to Rais. =/

So while I was on my way back, guess who I ran into next?
I met with Muzamel in front of his house. =.=
That was REALLY unexpected. He was just dropped off (by Insyira, I bet. I think I saw her in the car, but I couldn't be too sure) while I was passing in front of his house. We said hey. Then I started walking again and he went in. >.<"

So that was my day. It kinda sucked, I was frustrated at quite a lot of stuff. But there were highlights. Especially the unexpected run-ins. =)

Monday, January 4, 2010

First Day

First of all lemme just clear a few things out of the way.

Happy New Year!!!!!
(I know this is probably a bit overdue but hey, better late than never, right?)

Just to point it out, I had an awesome 2009.
Who didn't? You only get one of those in a lifetime.
And now, we've stepped into 2010.
It's a new decade.
The perfect time to make more awesome memories.

Okay, good. Now that that's out of the way, let's start on what happened today.
I'm gonna tell this according to time.

I woke up and got ready for school.

Waited for my bus. Feared that I somehow missed it. Started wondering if I should call down my mum and ask her to send me to school as soon as possible.

The bus came. =)

Reached school. Went up huge staircase next to the AIA building. Short of breath. (The lack of exercise finally got to me) Reached the school canteen. Met friends, said hi, hugged.
Reading session. Shirley the scary form 6 prefect yelled at us to start reading. We took out out storybooks. No one read anything. ;)

Everyone files into the hall, noisily. We get scolded for not respecting the school rules. Sing NegaraKu, Wilayah song and the BM version of our school song. Recite the ikrar and ikrar pelajar. Sit down quietly.
Listen to a continuous stream of different teachers welcoming us back to the school and talk about homework, co-curricular activities and lockers.
An important announcement: Intervensi for form 3s and 5s start near the end of January. The first exam for form 4s start around that time too. =.="

8.15AM (I think)
All the students except the form 4s leave the hall and enter their respective classes. The form 4s sit down quietly and chat in low voices. (Or at least try to)
Mr. Hoo takes the mic and explains how students placed in their classes cannot switch unless they switch streams. (Meaning: if you're in pure science and get placed in 4B, you can't switch to 4U because they're the same stream. But you can switch to 4A because it's a different stream -- commerce)
Reads out the names of girls who are to be in 4B. I was one of them. =)
I don't know what happened next because the girls in 4B had to go to their own class.

Class teacher: Pn. Nor Aini.
Monitor: Joanne Ang
Assistant monitor: Phea Ly Jane
Secretary: Fazlina Yahya
Treasurer: Wong Mei Jen

Recess time! Caught up with other girls form other classes. Asked about who's the monitor, what class they're in, who's teaching them what and so on.
At the canteen, the monkeys were being totally annoying. One was so close to us, we didn't notice, and when we did Dian tried to run away but fell instead. =.=
Now it seems that recess is too short. There's not much time left to talk. =(

Recess ends. Everyone goes into the hall. Exits after a few announcements.

We walk back to class. The upside of being in 4B is that we get to leave first! But that doesn't take off the stress we're gonna be put in.
The form 3s and 5s stayed in the hall to get their SPBT books. Because of that the teachers were too bust to even make it to class. And that meant most of the form 4s roaming around from class to class, looking for their former classmates and vent about how they hate being in separate classes.
In my case, girls from 4B went to 4U and vice versa until 4U's class teacher decided to come in for a bit. So 4B was on our own for the rest of the morning and afternoon.
In that time, I just sat and talked with Alini, Aida, Jannah and Jane. We talked about what to take for our 10th subject. I'm thinking of Geography, but Jane's got me interested in Literature in English. But that one's hard to score in. And there aren't any text books or reference books to come in handy.
Then Simone came round with a camera. Bak kata Alini, "Pandai awak, Simone, bawak camera on the day prefects tak buat spot check."
Which is true, I guess. =)
So we took some pictures and laughed our heads off.

The first bell rings. Reading session for afternoon girls. Morning girls stay put.

The second bell rings. Afternoon girls file into the hall. Morning girls still do nothing.

Third bell rings. Afternoon girls greet teachers and sing all the songs. Morning girls mistake it for the last bell and pack up.

Final bell rings. Afternoon girls most probably sit and listen to their teachers talking. Morning girls go home.

I didn't go home straight away, though. I wanted to go buy my books, but I decided I'll buy them tomorrow.
Erniza, Adibah and Nabihah were buying, so I waited for them instead of taking the bus home.
In the meantime, I went to look for Pn. Ti to collect my locker key and pay the RM50 deposit.
Met with a couple of my juniors and chatted a bit in front of the bookshop.

Once everyone was ready, we walked down the hill, went through the lorong St. John and walked the opposite direction towards Dang Wangi LRT station. Technically we did a huge U-turn. We could've gone down the huge staircase, but we thought it was closed so decided to take the long route instead.

I had to walk home. My first of the year! =D