Saturday, October 31, 2009

Creativity flows

Mine apparently gets stuck along the way.

Recently I've been feeling an urge to write something.
It's like all the images in my head and all the stuff I'm thinking about wants to burst onto a piece of paper or something.

But I can't seem to put it to words.

This is so frustrating!!
It's the feeling you get when you're supposed to be writing this essay, but you have no idea what to write.

I'm starting to feel that almost every waking hour of the day.

Should I write about my dreams?
Nah, that wouldn't do.

I can't even remember them anyway.
It's all a complete blur.

The sad part is, sometimes I mistake my dream for real life.

So let's say I'm talking to this person. And I actually dreamt about that person before. It could've been about anything. A conversation that didn't make any sense or something.

So, when I'm talking to that person in real life, I get this feeling that I should be saying something important, but I can't grasp what it is.

It's hard for me to explain it. Which brings me back to how hard it is to put my thoughts into words. Very frustrating.
Anyway, I'm at a loss right now.
I read, but I want to write.
Yet I have no inspiration.
No goal.

Hmm...lately I've been reading these sort of mystery/murder case type books.
Same basic story line, but with a few unexpected twists here and there.

I think I might read a chick lit book again.
Haven't read one of those in a while.
I can't believe I'm saying this, but I am actually starting to miss that same old story that you can just predict what's going to happen next.

I miss that predictability where you know when the guy is going to kiss the girl.

Who's going to end up with who.

The sad and tragic death or loss of a loved one.

The best friend who just suddenly leaves or back stabs someone.

The part where the main character meets the sweet and funny person that captures his/her

The friends and family that expected these two people to be together but they don't until the very end.

I actually miss that.
So you can expect my head to buried in that kind of book sometime next week.
Once I'm finished with the book I'm reading now.
It's called When The Wind Blows.

You might think when you read this title that it's some sort of sad, romance novel.
Actually it's not.
It's a James Patterson book.
About a mystery that involves a bit of science and murder.

Far, far from a chick lit.

So far it's pretty interesting.
Then again, I'm not even halfway through the book yet.
So yeah.

You know, this is what I love about blogging.
It satisfies my need to write something.
Expressing my thoughts in a way I write freely.
Not bound by errors in spelling or language or anything like that.
Not that I don't proof read my own posts.
I always do that, when I don't feel too crappy when I type it out.
Anyway, that's all for today, I think.

Bye bye. =)
I'm intent on not abandoning this blog again anytime soon.

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