Wednesday, July 22, 2009

10 minutes, and I'm busy

First of all, I didn't expect them to choose me.
Secondly, I didn't expect them to make me do work so fast.
Thirdly, I still can't really believe it.

Do you know what I'm getting at?
I'm kinda scared to mention it.
Its still sinking in for me..

It's nothing big exactly, on a general scale.
But its HUGE for me.

You know, if you read this nice and slowly, and you have no idea what I'm talking about..

You should be going mad with suspense and curiosity.

Or not. I don't know.

Did you?

Am I killing you with this?
Does it matter?
I don't know.

I don't know anything right now.

It's still hard for me to accept it.

I'll just tell you.
You won't be all "OMG!!!"

No, no, no.
That won't happen.
It's not exactly that exciting either.
It's just news.

Okay, okay.
Today was the AGM for KRS...
That's all...

Guess what?
The seniors elected me to be Naib Setiausaha.

At first.

Then, the one up-ed me to be Setiausaha.

The initial one wasn't reliable enough to show up every week.
And I was.

So they gave the position to me instead.
Then they gave me the work to do.

I had to write the report and check the form 3's koko books against the mastercard.

Normal. But it was a bit confusing, since it was my first time.

That's all really.

I told you.
Nothing big. =)

Monday, July 6, 2009

Assembly + Panic attack = Many concerned people

One thing that I don't get why it happened.
It was completely unexpected.

I guess it was a good thing assembly was out in the tennis court today. I wouldn't have wanted the teachers to see me crouch to the ground.

I still can't believe it though.

It was like any other day, we walked in the tennis court for morning assembly.
Suddenly, I felt really faint and everything was spinning. I tried to hold on abit longer, but when Pn Ann took over them mic, I just couldn't take it anymore.

So I sat.

Then, my hands went completely numb.

And that's how my panic attack came.

I mean, who wouldn't be freaked out when this happens to you?
What more, I had an exam! I wasn't gonna miss this for anything!

I started wheezing and tears just sprang into my eyes. I couldn't help it at all. I just felt like crying. And my hands were so numb, I couldn't feel them. It was so hard to move them.

All the prefects near me were asking,

"Do you wanna go the sick room?" over and over again.

I did say no, but they couldn't hear me. I guess my voice didn't want to come out. So I just kept shaking my head. Maybe that didn't help the dizziness, now did it?

Sonia was like, "Intan, are you okay? Are you okay?"
She was seriously worried.
I gotta appreciate that, though. =)

Walking was okay for me, but I needed some support from Sonia.

Once we were in class, the numbness in my hands still didn't go away.

Foong and Dian were looking at me like they were really worried. But I said I was fine and took out my BM book. Had to test.

Luckily, my hands were okay when I practised writing a bit in the exercise book. So that's when the wheezing lessened.

End of panic attack.

Strangely, it was hard for me to keep awake. So I ended up sleeping halfway through the time. But I did finish the paper first. Duh..

I slept during KH and paper 2 for BM too. I honestly don't know why.

When I got home (by bus, no one was staying back for Interact) I told my mom about it, and she said the faintness and numbness was caused by low blood pressure. She said I wasn't eating right or something. But I can't help it if the food in school isn't appealing to me at all! I eat breakfast, but 1 piece of bread probably isn't enough.

She said the numbness came because there wasn't enough blood to go to the extremities, like the ends of my hands or legs. Or something like that.

But I'm getting sick. Like, seriously. My stomach hurts like crazy, I have no appetite, my headaches are getting worse, all I wanna do is sleep...

But I can't bring my self to stay home. Not this week. Next week, maybe. Who knows. Maybe I'll be better by then.

Now I'm just hoping I'll be okay enough for English and Maths tomorrow. Help me. =(

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Intervensi 3 around the corner.

I hope I do better than my last exam.

Just hope and pray.

Allah, help me get through this.

Good luck to everyone else too!
