Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tagged Two Times by Two Tagging Twits.

Ignore the 'twit' word, I just needed something that started with a 'T'. BTW, the two were Dian and Kit May.

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with sixteen random things, habits or goals about you. At the end, choose five people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment (''You're tagged!'') and to read your blog, you can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me, let me know when you've posted your blog, so I can see your weirdness.

I'm addicted to Baskin Robbins.

I talk to myself. A lot. Every day of every week. Ignore me if I do.

I can go a few weeks without talking to my friends from other schools.

I can't stop thinking about that person that I dreamt of!

If I start playing a game I really like, I can go on for 7 hours non-stop.
Seriously, it happened once. My sisters had to force me to switch the XBox off so that they could watch TV upstairs. -.-'"

I have this one secret that only 3 people know. And those 3 people aren't who you think they are.

Aimi used to say that I sound like a dying cat when I sing. >.<

This one time, a chinese couple thought my sister and me were Japanese. (I was only 9 at the time, and had no sunburn yet. And I had that straight cut hair with bangs)

I'm from Terengganu and Singaporean royalty.

When I was 6, I loved to play with Hot Wheels. O_o

I only owned 2 Barbie dolls, and one lost it's head. XD

At night I like to listen to music and pretend to sing to/with someone I really like.

When I'm really, really bored, I dance to Disney songs in my room. And I look like a complete idiot.

Before I go to sleep, I look at myself in the mirror and try to mess around with my hair.

The first night after I finished reading Twilight, the song "Swear It All Over Again" by Westlife became one of my favourite songs because it reminds me of Edward.

My brownies ROCK! =D

I tag these people because:

1. Aimi - She hasn't done a tag in a long time
2. Malik - Cause I feel like it.
3. Izzudin - He hasn't been on a really long time
4. Mellissa - Just do it, I don't care.
5. ...... Whoever wants to do this because they have nothing better to do, like me. =P


Dian Amani :) said...

INTAN!!! Get a freaking CBOX!

Intan said...

I'll try.

aimi said...

haha, give me a break ,
we were nine , and you told me i sounded off key :p
haha , so we're even :D
owh and i dah buat dah this tag ,
no thanks to youu my friend :p