Saturday, January 17, 2009

Aimi. Tagged. Me.

-Those who get tagged MUST answer the question's about themselves:)
-At the end of the post , tag 10 people to do the same except the tagger:)
-Continue this game by sending to other people (refer to rule No.2)''

Name : Intan Juliana Jamil

Age/Birthday : 15 in June =)

School : CBN

Elder sister : Teh Rohaila, Siti Amira and Nur Nadia

Younger sisters : None...

Elder brother : None..

Younger brothers : None..(i'm getting tired of typing this!)

Favourite liquid's/ drinks : It changes a science teacher has changed my perspective on drinks. =(

Favourite consumables/ food : Italian

Favourite place too sleep ; my bed

Flying? : I like it. =)

Swimming or diving ; Diving. If I can.

How many friends in msn : lots

Loved one's : Allah almightly , the prophet Muhammad , family and friends 

Get kicked on the butt : prefer not have that happen to me, but i'd like to kick someone else's butt. ;P

Allergic? : none that I know of

Gastric? : not a lot

Age of marriage? : umm...around the age of 25 maybe?

Children wanted?: not sure yet.

Age of death? : Not mine to decide, now is it?

Animals in your house? : My adorable cats. =)

Longest fingernails ever kept? : I don't actually ukur my fingernails using a ruler... o.O

Wanted birthday present : anything that makes me happy. =)

Q : In your dreams, god makes you a billionare and grants you a wish, what will you wish for?

I will wish for the wars to end. I really kesian the Palestinians.

A - Attached or single ? : Single

B - Best friend? : Need i mention who? It should be obvious.

C - Cake or pie ? : Cake!!! =D

D - Day of choice? - I believe I love Saturdays.

E - Essential item ? - phone..

F - Favourite colour? - most colours, I really can't pick.

G - Gummy bears or worms? : Gummy Bears =)

H - Hometown? : Kuala Lumpur

I - Favourite indulgence - Ice cream! And brownies. =D

J - January or July? : January, I think. Fresh start on things

K - Kids? - I'm still a kid. YES I ADMIT IT!!

L - Life isn't complete without? - God almighty

M - Marriage date - ... Not decided. Future husband also tak jumpa yet

N - Number of magazine subscriptions? - None?

O - Oranges or apples? - Oranges. Good apples are hard to find

P - Phobias : all the creepy crawlies =(

Q - Quotes? : The only person who can make you feel inferior is yourself, and not anyone else.

R - Reasons to smile? - I can think of a lot of reasons. =)

S - Season of choice:) - Winter. I love playing in snow. =D

T - Tag 10 people:) - Just anyone who reads this.

U - Unknown fact about me? - I..... have no idea.

V - Vegetable? - lettuce.

W - Worst habit? - I'm simply too malas.

X - X-men? - My favourite one? Don't have one.

Y - Your favourite food - Italian and northern indian. =)

Z - Zodiac sign - Gemini!


Lala said...

hey you study in CBN?
my mom is a former student there :D

Intan said...

Umm..yeah? =)