Thursday, November 27, 2008


I am proud to say that I have finally watched the movie that I've been wanting to see since I first heard of it. And that was a few months ago. =)

Attention: If you haven't seen Twilight, you might not want to read what I've written down here. It might spoil things a bit.

I have to say, though, the movie is not that great. (If you've read the book, that is) And don't start denying it, it's true. On it's own, meaning if you haven't read the book, it's totally awesome. The whole cinema couldn't stay still and be quiet through the whole movie. When they saw the title Twilight, they clapped and cheered. Same goes when they first see Emmett, Edward, Mike, Jacob and Carlisle. They're hot, I have to agree. =D Though for me, I only smiled like an idiot when I first saw Carlisle. He was the most surprising one to see. Just bursting through the door the way he did, unlike how Emmett and Edward walked in, one by one, so you could guess who was coming up next. That, and you see them coming in through the glass doors.

Not much of a surprise.

Jacob, on the other hand, the way he showed up was surprising, like Carlisle. But, he is not as hot as Carlisle. He looks way better with short hair. Or when he ties his long hair back. Mike was unexpected, too. But I didn't have much of a reaction because at first I didn't recognize him. Ha ha, I didn't think that Mike would be the hardest for me to recognize, of all people. Jasper looked so funny in the movie, I couldn't stop laughing whenever I saw him. Oh, except when he was on the baseball field. Then he looked better. Must be because the baseball cap covered his messy and crazy looking hair. Seriously, it resembled Einstein's hair. 0.0 No joke. Eric looked really weird. I didn't expect him to be Chinese, though. I expected him to be all-american. Go figure. And Angela's supposed to be tall, right? And Jessica's hair was all wrong. It's supposed to be big and curly! I imagined it to be like Fran Fine's hair when I read the book..Oh well. Nothing I can do about it, now, right?

I like that it was funny. Not just the Bella-falling-down type funny and the jokes, but like, the facial expressions of Edward and Jasper when they were trying hard to control themselves from killing Bella. Especially at the Cullens' house, Jasper's face was so funny, I really couldn't stop laughing.

Okay, that's the end of the maybe-spoiler. =)

I hate the fact that they modified the movie so much. It really was a disappointment for me. I was looking forward to watching the Twilight I've been reading and imagining this whole time. Like when I imagined Narnia. So much for that.

I know that I've been complaining that I wouldn't be able to watch this on the day of release, right? Well, that was because I only considered going with Kit May. I unintrentionally asked Malik to come watch it with me, since he was free. We tried inviting other people too, but there were complications. Busy la, working la, no transport la, promised to see with another friend la, grounded la; the excuses were endless.

So, it was just us. I was somewhat terrified with the idea. I mean, it really gives you the wrong impression, doesn't it? two people going to see Twilight together. No problem if both of them were the same gender. But its a guy and a girl. What does that make you think? Most people wouldn't believe that we're just friends. I wish they would. Luckily for me, no one in my family actually asked outright who I was going with. That would've been a problem. I would have no idea how to tell them that I was going to see a movie with a guy.

The entire time, I just knew that we were going to see someone we knew. I mean, it's Twilight, for crying out loud. And the first show of the day. The premier in Malaysia. Who in their right mind wouldn't want to go? Anyway, plenty of people were there, and I even recognized a few of them, just not anyone I would call my friend. At the endm though, we saw Aimi, Dini and Syafiqa there...what a surprise!! [being sarcastic] I guess, in a way she did tell me that she was going to watch it, but she didn't specify when she was watching it.

So, after the movie, we walked around, they left for Pavilion, so it was just us again. Decided to eat O'Briens, after circling the food court a few times. I left for tuition after buying the food, take away of course, so that was it. The smell of my sandwich was so strong inside the tuiton centre, I wonder if anyone besides me and Kit May smelled it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Okay, I finally figured out why the MBS boys were in a different class.
I was in the wrong class!! I was wondering why the whiteboard downstairs said the 2nd floor was for sessions 2-4. They should've said 2 & 4! Most CBN girls were confused by that. So we were in the wrong class the whole time.... We'll be back on track next week, though. With only 2 days a week, how could you be confused? If you do get confused, then I can probably see why you need tuition in the first place. Ha, ha. No, I'm just joking. ;P

I keep thinking whether it's worth it to watch Twilight twice. I feel like I want to see it again, but I'm also thinking that its not the movie I've been expecting. What a dilemma, eh?

It rained when I came back today. You probably noticed. I had to wait for my sister to come back from work at HUKM for her to pick me up at the station. No way was I walking home in that weather. it was raining cats and dogs, the road was nearing a banjir, not to mention that mud was flowing and I was wearing a pair of white pants. And I like those pants, too. I wasn't going to let them get dirty by walking in muddy water. That, and I was a bit embarrassed to use my striking black and white sheep umbrella. Had to wait a while, though. That was the downside.

And now I'm off to dinner. O'Briens was all I had for lunch, and that was hardly satisfying.


Unknown said...

But you said you were full! D=

Intan said...

I the time. I got hungry after that. I always am after tuition, even if I eat rice. =/